October 24-26, 2018, Airline Hotel & Conference Centre, Thunder Bay
The Centre for Education and Research on Aging & Health (CERAH), Lakehead University, is pleased to announce a Call for Abstracts for the bi-annual Northwestern Ontario Palliative Care Conference.
No matter where people live or where they receive care, all Northwestern Ontarians deserve access to quality palliative care. The theme of this year’s conference is “Palliative Care for All: Striving for Equity.” Focusing on an equity-informed approach, participants will be presented with ideas for planning, coordinating, and delivering palliative care services in a way that considers the unique and diverse lived realities of those in our region. Innovative practices and research will be shared as we look for opportunities to address barriers and improve upon access, equity, and quality of palliative care for those living in Northwestern Ontario.
Organizers cordially invite you to participate in this event by submitting an abstract. Oral presentations, workshops, flash talks, and posters are welcomed.
Visit cerah.lakeheadu.ca/palliativecare/ for more information