Research Cycle Support
Assistance is available to Centre of Applied Health Research (CAHR) members and St. Joseph's Care Group (SJCG) staff throughout the research cycle.
The CAHR provides assistance with research project design and development of methodology. To learn more about this process, please contact us.
For SJCG staff , the Library can perform literature searches, obtain appropriate reference material and provide individualized training on specialized databases. For more information, please refer to the Library at SJCG. Researchers new to critical appraisal may find these tools helpful when evaluating the results of their literature search.
For those who need to secure research funding, we have put together a list of relevant major agencies and foundations as a starting point. We encourage those new to grant proposal writing to refer to the CIHR Guidebook for New Principal Investigators.
When research funds will be held by SJCG, a Research Proposal Approval Form (RPAF) must be approved by SJCG before the grant proposal is submitted to the funder. This ensures that SJCG is aware of funding submissions, that submissions meet the standards of the organization, and that SJCG agrees to any organizational services and/or supports required by the research project. This form must be submitted to Research Services TWO WEEKS prior to the funder’s deadline. Note that the applicant is responsible for the final submission to the funder. For more information, please email the Manager of Volunteers, Library & Research Services at SCJG.
Once you know the outcome of your grant proposal, contact the Manager of Volunteers, Library & Research Services at SCJG. If you have been successful, we will then initiate the administration of funds and/or organizational service/support.
Before any participant recruitment or data collection can begin, all research involving clients, staff, their materials and/or their individual information must have SJCG's Research Ethics Board (REB) approval. Please refer to the St. Joseph's Care Group's Research Ethics Board (REB).
Funding is provided to full-time or permanent part-time staff at SJCG who present their work at a conference or workshop. Submission information can be found on the SJCG iNtranet.